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Community Organizations 

Below is a  link that will direct you to a list of community organizations.  


Use these organizations to:

  • Partner with to tackle a community issue

  • Reach out to them for a class/group presentation to learn more about what they are already doing in your community.

  • If any of them are of interest contact them to see how you can make a difference.

Charity Volunteers

Civic Project Resources

Below is a  list of how you can get started on your civic project.

Civic Project Resources

1) Identify community issues that you are most passionate about

  • Pollution

  • Environmental Impact

  • Cyber Security

  • Crime

  • Discrimination

  • Fire Hazards

  • Drug Abuse

  • Trafficking

  • Gang Violence

  • School Conditions

  • Mental Health

  • Gun Violence

  • Poverty

  • Apathy

  • Domestic Abuse

  • Animal Cruelty

  • Invasive Species

  • Poor Road Conditions

2) Determine who/what is your target group

  • Teens                                          

  • Youth

  • Seniors

  • Animals

  • Environment

  • Family

  • Homeless

  • Other Students at school

  • Migrants

  • Low Income

  • Family Businesses

  • Your neighborhood

  • Disable Individuals

  • Victims of crime, hate or discrimination.

3) Brainstorm:  Root causes of the issue that effect the target group you chose. 

(Below are some examples)​

  • Cyber Security - Seniors just don't know about crime tactics.

  • Environmental Impact - Toxic Pesticides effecting my neighborhood.

  • Mental Health - Isolation or negative messages on social media effects on teens.

  • Drug Abuse - Easy access for students at my school.

4) Possible Civic Engagement Projects to tackle issues

  • Advocate for something to change at your school​​


  • Restore natural areas, parks, rivers, and beaches (not just a clean up but a restore/rebuild)​


  • ​​Make an area more accessible and/or safe


  • Grow and harvest food in a sustainable manner​


  • Provide shelter for those in need (people or animals)


  • Enhance health and well-being (yours and others)


  • Create a media campaign on an important issue


  • Create a theatrical productions that address/raise awareness on important social issues that affect communities.


  • Host a clothing drive to provide clothes for job interviews, prom or other special occasion.


  • Lessen the death rate by helping pet adoption centers develop best-practice training programs for animals to be good pets.


  • Develop a baby toy recycle/reuse program for those in need.


  • Raise money to purchase an item that can help sustain an ongoing need.


  • Raise awareness for local businesses in your area to help them with financial support


  • Develop a food pantry to provide healthy food to those in need.


  • Build owl and/or other bird boxes to provide them shelter in a limited habitat.


  • Build wildlife corridors and/or habitats so that they can thrive


  • Organize a community event


  • Develop a program / event that may reduce carbon emissions and/or air pollution at your school or in your community.


  • ....  Lets add your idea on the button below



community organizatios

Highlighted Organizations
Below are just a few organizations that could use your help.
 Click above for a complete list.

The Discovery Center

 turtle & koi pond, tortoise compound, and hands-on, interactive exhibits & live animals inside our science center. ​


Don Ortiz

559-696-1614 or



Kings River Conservancy

Kings River Conservancy fosters community involvement in protecting and enhancing environmental values, to enhance and control public access for recreation, to educate the public on matters related to environmental values, to preserve agricultural lands and to encourage sound public conservation practices along the Kings River corridor from Pine Flat Dam to Highway 99.


KRC can use help with trail Building, river clean ups, special event help, invasive weed removal and so much more. 





Mariposa Trails

Give back to the lands that nourish your spirit. Trail day events are much more than moving dirt and boulders; spend time with friends enjoying backcountry scenic views, wildlife and wildflowers, while creating a space for others to do the same. Review the list of events below and RSVP soon and often!


Bill King through email , or call 209-626-9898, or mail P.O. Box 5008-139 Mariposa CA 95338


Fresno Chaffee Zoo

If you are interested in helping out with animals in a variety of ways, then this could be a great opportunity for you! It’s a great learning experience and allows the opportunity to interact with zookeepers. Gain knowledge on the husbandry of our animals. Application and a negative TB test are required.




San Joaquin River 
Parkway and Conservation Trust

San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust's preserves and restores San Joaquin River lands of ecological, scenic, or historic significance, to educate the public on the need for stewardship, to research issues affecting the river, and to promote educational, recreational and agricultural uses of the river bottom consistent with the protection of the river’s resources.


Today, more than ever, volunteers play a key role in all aspects of the Trust’s mission. We invite you to explore the many opportunities available for you to join the team of individuals who are helping advance our mission of creating the San Joaquin River Parkway and connecting our community to the San Joaquin River.


Please call 559-248-8480 ext. 106 if you have any questions.




National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.


What started as a small group of families gathered around a kitchen table in 1979 has blossomed into the nation's leading voice on mental health. Today, we are an alliance of more than 600 local Affiliates and 49 State Organizations who work in your community to raise awareness and provide support and education that was not previously available to those in need.


To see how you can make a difference go to:

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